Infinity Hall Update
Given the elaborate remake of Infinity Hall, owner Dan Hincks and his all-Norfolk construction crew are relieved to have finally received a Phase II permit to proceed to the finish, giving them a clear shot at being ready for an opening night performance in the theater in late September…
Runners Produce Big Bucks
Fire Chief Daryl Byrne and his crew netted close to $3,000 from over 200 entry fees for the annual NVFD 5-mile race on Memorial Day, and from sales of hot dogs and hamburger sold at the finish by 14 to 18-year old Explorers…
Willie’s Wiener Wagon
A traditional rite of spring in Norfolk has long been the annual reappearance on RT 44 of Willie Hervieux’s Wiener Wagon, but the wagon is out of commission because Wilfred is battling lung cancer and is currently undergoing chemo…
Painting with a Pro – Free
For those who always wanted to try landscape painting but were afraid to ask, Leslie Watkins, who can be reached at or 542-3920, is offering amateurs to advanced artists the chance to do “pleine air” painting at different outdoor sites around town on Tuesdays and Saturdays…
Another 250th Anniversary Entry
Mountain View Inn’s Dean Johnson was looking for a way to acknowledge Norfolk’s 250th anniversary, and has decided to present an open house with a traditional Victorian tea (including lemonade and cookies) to anyone who cares to drop by after the parade on Saturday morning of August 2… — Compiled by Lloyd Garrison Contact the next issue editor on p. 2 to offer items for Briefly…,