From the Assessor’s Office

Help available for elderly and totally disabled renters
By Michele Sloane

If you are a renter, over the age of 65 or totally disabled, are single and earned less than
$30,500 or are married and earned less than $37,300 in 2008, you may be eligible for a
partial reimbursement of your rental and utility expenses.
Applicants are required to provide proof of all income (and Federal income tax return, if
filed) along with copies of rent and utility checks, or annual statement of each for the
past year. These records do not include phone or cable television.
Application forms, available at the Norfolk Town Hall, must be completed and returned to
the Assessor’s Office on or before September 15, 2009. For more information, please
call 542-5287, Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to noon.

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