What’s Mr. Snake Doing at the Library?

Robin Yuran, Co-Director of the Norfolk Library, walked out of the door of the Children’s Library one day recently, looked at the circular garden behind the library and said, “This is blah! I had a vision of something better for the children, something whimsical.”
She gave the assignment of enlivening the garden to Kristin Pizzica of Haystack Properties. “Kristin knew exactly what to do with it,” Yuran said.
Colorful pots have been filled with equally colorful and whimsical plants. Pansies have been planted in a previously ignored space between the library wall and a large stone, even the spout of a bright red watering can has some colorful blossoms to boast.
The highlight of the garden is Mr. Snake. The pink and black serpent winds his way around a railing and potted plant and he has a surprise. Something will change Mr. Snake over the course of the summer. What could it be? Pay a visit to the outdoor reading area to find out.

Photo By Linda Pizzica


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