
Several Botelle School sixth graders received awards at their class promotion night, held on June 20:
Botelle Awards for Achievement and Scholarship, presented in memory of Myrtie Luella Botelle, for whom the school was named, were awarded to Matthew Ross & Sydney Dzenutis for scholarship and Sean Carney and Megan Ross for achievement.
The American Legion award is presented annually by the Roberts-Bouchet Post of the American Legion to the student or students who demonstrate, in the words of the certificate, high qualities of courage, honor, leadership, patriotism, scholarship and service. Hanna Silvestri and Casey Ludwig were this year’s recipients
The Frank C. Reilly award, given to a student who has done outstanding work in creative writing this year went to Caroline Crone.
Tyler Yelsits received the Jean S. Keiller Memorial Award, which recognizes a child who shows sensitivity and compassion toward fellow students.
The Adele Winn Service Award was presented to Ellie Olsen, who, in the opinion of the staff, goes the extra mile, as per the requirements of the award.
The Norfolk Children’s Foundation Humanitarian Award was given to Hanna Silvestri.
The Presidential Fitness Award was awarded to Sydney Dzenutis.
The Dot Casey Deloy Computer Award is named for the former librarian and first computer teacher at Botelle School, and was presented this year to Megan Arel.
Michaela Hill & Ricky Childs received the Susan A. Bruso Award, which is given annually to a boy and a girl who show exemplary character and leadership in athletics.

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