Selectmen’s Corner—July 2015
By Sue Dyer
Summer is here and Tobey Beach is open. Please make sure that you have the appropriate stickers for Tobey and the transfer station. After August 3, the sticker prices for the transfer station will be $110 and $100 for Tobey. Stickers can be purchased by mail. For further information, call the Town Clerk’s office at 860-542-5679.
Dog licenses are due and payable. Contact the Town Clerk’s office for further information.
All real estate and car taxes are due during the month of July, but if you are the kind of individual that waits until the last minute, make sure your envelope is postmarked August 3. Any time after that your taxes will be considered late. There has been a change to our accounting system, so if you need a receipt for your taxes, please make sure you bring in or mail in the entire tax bill. We will only keep what we need and return the rest with your receipt.
The hours of the transfer station are Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays from 8:30 a.m. until 3 p.m.
Photo by Bruce Frisch.