Norfolk’s June 2017 Weather
A Fairly Normal June
By Russell Russ
June’s low temperature of 40 degrees was observed on June 3, and the high of 89 degrees was observed on June 12. With an average monthly temperature of 64.1 degrees, it was 0.8 degree above normal. There were two daily records set this month. The 89 on June 12 just beat out the 1933 high of 88, and the high of 88 on June 13 just beat out the 1984 high of 87.
This June was fairly average for temperatures. The coolest June was in 1958 with an average temperature of 58.8 degrees. The warmest June was in 1943 with 68.3 degrees.
The total precipitation recorded for the month was 4.54 inches, 0.32 inch below normal. There were four thunderstorms this month. On June 19 there were two waves of afternoon storms, both with heavy rainfall that totaled 2.43 inches in a short period. Norfolk is getting its share of summer thunderstorms this year, but so far nothing has been overly severe.
This June was also fairly average for rainfall. The driest June was in 1988 when only 0.74 inch was recorded. Our wettest June was in 2013 with 13.38 inches.
For the first half of 2017 our total precipitation amount was 23.33 inches. The deficit for the year so far is 2.18 inches. We are a little below normal this year, but we are in much better shape now than we were during the last two years.
The rainfall deficit has not been a concern this summer, but the deficits from 2015 and 2016 have affected the trees. Many maples and ash have thin and slightly browning crowns this summer. It typically takes trees a year or two to show signs of drought damage, and over the last month the signs have become quite noticeable. Hopefully our fairly average rainfall this summer will relieve the stress on our trees so they can rebound without any lasting damage. At least we do not have widespread gypsy moth caterpillar damage like many other parts of Connecticut are seeing.
An early look at July shows that through midmonth it was about typical. July is on average Norfolk’s warmest month of the year. We are supposed to see hazy, hot and humid conditions in July, and we have had some of that. The weather station typically gets to 90 degrees or above two to three times a year, but so far this year we haven’t reached that point. The highest temperature recorded at the station this year has been 89 degrees, once in May and once in June.
Weather observations are recorded by the Great Mountain Forest at Norfolk’s National Weather Service Cooperative Weather Observer Station, Norfolk 2 SW.