Here & There
New Chef at the Pub
It may be too soon to note a change in cuisine, but the Pub has a new chef. She is Christyn Samok, with restaurant experience in New York and Puerto Rico…
NEMB Staying Put
When New England Miniature Ball, Norfolk’s biggest employer, was put up for sale last year, some feared that its production might be outsourced to a new plant in China run by the same owner. For the moment, the good news is that there have been no takers and NEMB is off the market…
Birds Head South for Winter
Shelley Harms reports that the fall bird migration has seen large numbers of purple finch, red-breasted nuthatch and white-crowned sparrows heading south. Raptors have included northern harrier and northern goshawk. Because of sparse availability of food in Canada this year, Norfolk’s birders speculate that we may see more finches, including evening grosbeaks, this winter…
Gazebo Taking Shape
Let’s hear it for two generous donations toward funding the new Meadowbrook gazebo. John Thew has offered a beautiful handcrafted weathervane to be raffled off, and the Lions Club has dispatched a check for $1,500…
Frisch Exhibits Trade Center Photos
Last month, the fifth anniversary of the World Trade Center bombing, prompted endless reruns of the buildings’ collapse. In a reversal of form, Norfolk’s Bruce Frisch, best known for his exceptional nature photography, was honored at an unusual exhibit in Brooklyn of his evocative photographs chronicling the construction of the Twin Towers…
Sidewalk Project Finished
That cheerful crowd around the fountain on the Village Green at midday on Oct. 18 was not a rally for Ron Paul or a demonstration against that annoyingly brief traffic light on Route 44 and Ashpohtag Rd. It was Sue Dyer, various Community Association members and Roy Pilbin and his crew, all celebrating the final construction of the new sidewalk around the Green. A big thank you is in order to Dyer, who obtained grant money for the project, the Community Association for finding additional funding, and Pilbin for a job well done.
—Compiled by Lloyd Garrison
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