Letters to the Editor

Meeting venues

In response to September’s “View from the Green” about venues throughout town to meet, and the potential need for a community center, The Church of Christ would like to remind all local groups that we have rooms available for meetings – from a classroom with a small conference table to a large dining room with full kitchen facilities. Rental fees are waived for non-profit groups, although we occasionally must charge a cleaning fee. And we’d certainly be happy to provide space for the upcoming town plan deliberations referred to in the article! Inquiries may be directed to Kate Persons at kate.persons@yahoo.com or 542-5549.

Kate Persons
On behalf of the Church of Christ, Congregational board of trustees,


No new buildings, please!

Regarding Veronica Burns’ September VIEW “Here, There and Where?,” ironically placed alongside an article celebrating the fact that we have just approved a bond-issue for the construction of a much needed new Emergency Services Building, the answer to the question, in my opinion, does NOT lie in the creation of yet another physical structure in Norfolk.

What gives our town its very special charm is the fact that there most definitely is a “there” here!  Community is abundantly apparent at the library, Corner Store, Pub and Mizza’s; our churches, historical society, Yale summer programs and winter curling. And, with the long-anticipated reopening of The Greenwoods Theater/Infinity Music Hall, we will have yet another wonderful gathering place.

Burns’ argument for a means by which Norfolk community news can be relayed and shared already exists.  I, like many other Norfolkians, read my monthly issue of “NORFOLK NOW” cover-to-cover just as soon as it lands in my mailbox.  It always leaves me hungry for the next issue.  I suggest the this fine little newspaper consider filling the gap in publishing community news by expanding, at least, to a biweekly publication.

Linda Childs



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