Being Careful and Considerate During Winter Snows


By Matt Riiska

We are in the middle of another typical winter in Norfolk, multiple weeks of snow and below-freezing temperatures and then a week of spring and then back to winter. This cycle will continue until the end of March.

I wanted to remind everyone that we need to stay safe. So while you are out for your walks be careful of the ice and please wear a reflective vest, particularly at night. It is always nice to get out of the house, but you need to make sure you are seen.

During snow storms and the cleanup after, please be mindful of the trucks clearing the roads and driveways. Often as they ease out of the intersections and driveways, they cannot see traffic or walkers. Give them some room so they can do their jobs.

I also want to urge all who live on private roads or have long driveways to make sure they are properly cleared. The fire department recently had a call to a residence on a private road which proved to be very tricky for the fire truck to navigate because of the ice and snow. We want everyone to be safe, particularly the emergency services workers who make themselves available 24 hours a day in all kinds of weather.

Mark your calendars for Weekend in Norfolk on Feb. 24 and 25. The Winter WIN committee has put together a terrific weekend of indoor and outdoor activities, so check out the website,, and get out and enjoy.



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