Wellness Classes in Battell Chapel Promote Mental and Physical Health

Exercising with Friends


By David Beers

Part one of this article, in the March issue of Norfolk Now, highlighted the Chapel fitness classes that are relaxing and rejuvenating. Now it is time to focus on the more vigorous exercise classes. Each class is $15 per class with a $5 discount if paid in advance.

As mentioned last month, I’ve been going to Bill Couch’s Full Body Fitness class from 5:30 to 6:30 every Tuesday evening for the past five years. When I first saw the title, I thought of the movie “Full Metal Jacket”. While it does give you a great full body workout, it is not nearly as intense as the movie. The exercises are changed up a bit each week and provide strengthening to all your muscles within an hour. There is usually a mix of exercises using suspension trainers, bar elastic trainers, weights, balls, mats and stairs. With some music playing in the background, Couch guides and encourages the class through each set while also leading discussions on health, nutrition and exercise.

With a background in wilderness guiding and coaching sports, Couch made the transition to be a full-time fitness trainer about six years ago, at which time, he also started this class. The class often begins with some floor exercise before playing with the equipment. The class ends with a variety of stretches. Couch is a big proponent of scheduling regular outdoor activities, and when the weather cooperates, the class is outside for part of the hour. Classes usually run when school is in session.

Wednesdays from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. is Dance Fitness with Kristin Mudge. Mudge has created a class that combines a variety of dance styles including modern, jazz, Latin, hip-hop and even square dancing. It is a high-energy mix of choreographed group dancing, interspersed with intervals of strength training, that has you winded and wired. Each month features fun new routines set to energizing music. The dances are an original creation of Mudge, who has been both a dance choreographer and fitness instructor for the past 38 years.

While it is easier to start the class at the beginning of the month when everyone is just starting to learn a dance, Mudge also encourages people to drop in any week and do their best. This is what I did, and it was fun kicking and flailing my arms about to the music and Mudge’s directions. The extensive stretching done at the end of class hit the spot after working up a sweat. Classes usually run when school is in session. Mudge also teaches an after-school dance class for ages 9 to 12 Wednesdays from 3:50 to 4:50 p.m.

April to October a Zumba class is taught by Chris Royer on Saturdays from 9 to 10 a.m. Zumba is an aerobic fitness class that follows various types of high-energy music. The class focuses on rhythmic movement to the beat, while following the instructor’s lead. It mixes slow and fast movements, with soundtracks that vary a bit with each class. There is a lot of foot, arm and hip movements that are choreographed to different parts of the music (chorus, verse, interlude, bridge etc.). Royer explains, “As you get better at following the movements you can anticipate what to do for each part of any given song and then the cardio workout can really kick in.”

Royer is a fitness trainer and a high school diving coach who has been certified to teach Zumba for eight years. She also teaches a variety of classes at Odyssey Fitness in Torrington. This is where I had the pleasure to partake in my first Zumba class. Royer has been teaching Zumba in Norfolk to group of loyal participants for over five years.

A schedule of all the classes is available at NorfolkCTucc.org.

This is the second in a two-part series about exercise classes in Norfolk.


Photograph, top, of an after-school dance class for preteens led by Kristin Mudge, is by Bruce Frisch.

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