The State of the Town, at the Six-Month Mark
By Matt Riiska
Now that the budget has been approved with a 5.01 percent increase, for a 23.57 mill rate, we can move on to other matters.
One item I really need to mention is the addition of a few “No Parking” signs on Mountain Road. I can appreciate the concern that a few people have with the appearance of the signs on such a beautiful road, but the signs were put up for a reason. During the baseball season, cars parked on both sides of the road create a dangerous situation. Those opposed to the signs ask why do anything now since nothing has ever happened. We are not going to wait for something to happen. Our biggest concern is to keep the kids safe. As you drive past the ball field, slow down and pay attention to the kids and the fans. The signs will be removed at the end of June when the baseball season is over.
We are currently collecting data for the state-mandated town plan. Michele Sloane, the chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission, is asking for everyone to fill out a survey to help develop our plan for the next 10 years. You can log on to the newly designed town website,, for a link to the questionnaire.
The first phase of City Meadow Park has been completed, and I hope everyone can take a walk on the boardwalk. The plantings are starting to come in, so it should be looking good soon. Phase 2 of the project will continue with the removal of more invasive plants, some added plantings, the installation of seating areas and the design of a staircase to Station Place.
Congratulations to the Norfolk Foundation and all those who made the Norfolk Hub a reality. It looks great and is a terrific place to meet. When you are attending a meeting or a function at the Hub, please park further down Station Place or at Town Hall to allow visitors to park in front of our local businesses.
I have been First Selectman for six months now, and I can honestly say it has been amazing to see how so many do so much for our town. Thanks to all for all you do.