Norfolk’s June 2018 Weather
Nice Summer Weather
By Russell Russ
June’s low temperature of 43 degrees was observed on June 4, and the high of 88 degrees was observed on June 18. With an average monthly mean temperature of 63.6 degrees, it was just 0.3 degree above normal. There were only a few really warm days in June, and no daily temperature records were set. It was a pleasant weather month, very average for the month of June in Norfolk. Morning lows in the 40s in June may seem a little chilly, but that is normal for us. Norfolk’s coolest June was in 1958 with an average monthly mean temperature of 58.8 degrees. The warmest June was in 1943 with 68.3 degrees.
The total precipitation recorded for the month was 5.76 inches, 0.90 inch above normal. There were just two thunderstorms that month, neither of which was severe. The monthly rainfall total was certainly helped by two days (June 4 and 28) with moderate to heavy rainfall during the overnight hours.
During the summer months, short-duration downpours typically make up a large part of the monthly rainfall, and the lack of them can mean a dry month. The driest June was in 1988, when only 0.74 inch was recorded. Our wettest June was in 2013, with 13.38 inches.
For the first half of 2018 our total precipitation was 28.25 inches. Through June, this puts Norfolk 2.74 inches above normal for the year. This is also nearly five inches above where we were last year at this point in time. The years of 2015 and 2016 were very dry. Fortunately, it seems we have turned the tide and can worry about other things besides a looming drought. Of course, July and August could turn out to be dry, but this year we have a little cushion to work with.
Temperatures and humidity increased late in June, a trend that continued into early July. A look at July through mid-month shows that it certainly did warm up. Temperatures were running about 5 degrees above normal, and for three days in a row (July 1 to 3) Norfolk recorded high temperatures in the low 90s. It was hazy, hot and humid for sure. When the dew point is in the upper 60s it is noticeably humid. A few days with dew points in the mid- to upper 70s in early July made it very uncomfortable.
Record highs of 92 degrees were recorded on July 1 and 2. We just missed record highs on July 3, 4 and 5. July is typically Norfolk’s warmest month of the year, so we expect to see some hazy, hot and humid conditions during the month. The weather station typically gets to 90 degrees or above two to three times a year. For 2018, Norfolk can say: been there, done that.
Weather observations are recorded by the Great Mountain Forest at Norfolk’s National Weather Service Cooperative Weather Observer Station, Norfolk 2 SW.