Spring Cleaning for a Summer Garden

Small Seeds Need Volunteers to Help Them Grow

By Virginia Coleman-Prisco
Photo by Hilary VanWright

 On the afternoons of April 10and 11, The Norfolk After School Program (NASP) hosted a Community Garden Clean Up at the Botelle School Community Garden located in the southwest corner of the building.   Led by Botelle’s school nurse and healthy eating advocate, Donna Pequinot, 12 children and four adults spent time preparing the garden for spring planting.  According to Pequinot, the children had a “blast in the dirt” and used wheelbarrows to transplant fresh dirt into the beds. Hilary VanWright who is the NASP coordinator, a PTO member, and a Botelle parent stated that she is “so glad that Nurse Donna is teaching the value of good nutrition to our students and taking time out of her own schedule for something that benefits us all. Hopefully, the community will get to enjoy some of the bounty as well.” 

 In a study published in July 2018 by Yale nurse Patricia Ryan-Krause in the Pediatric Nursing Journal, better nutrition and health are not the only benefits to children of learning to garden. Gardening involves many child development components, including cognitive advancement, skill acquisition, moral development and physical and social-emotional growth.   In an era of budget cuts and limited resources, our local community garden can provide children with essential life skills outside the traditional classroom setting. 

Many Norfolk residents put hard work into seeing the garden come together a few years ago and now several new initiatives for the garden are forthcoming for this spring and summer.   One initiative organized to help get the garden going this year has been the formation of the Gardening Club through NASP.   The Gardening Club will meet after school on Thursdays throughout May. Pequinot will guide students through the process of planning, planting, and maintaining a garden.   

Adult volunteers from the community can also help Botelle’s gardens flourish, while providing fresh and local food to neighbors and friends.   Assistance is needed with planting, maintenance, and trellis building.   Helpers have the opportunity to get their hands dirty and be out in the fresh air while watching the miracle of what small seeds (yes… the food and children) can produce.   

Another future initiative in the works depends on when the crops are ready for harvest.   Pequinot is planning on having a presence at the Norfolk Farmer’s Market.   She could also use some help organizing and manning the tent. Anyone willing to help can also contact her. Direct any questions to Pequinot at pequignotd@botelleschool.org.   

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