At Infinity, the Bands Play On

Photos by Bruce Frisch

At a recent meet and greet at the Norfolk Hub, one of the new owners of Infinity Hall, David Rosenfeld of GoodWorks Entertainment, met with around 35 town residents to talk about the future of the music venue. The new owners want to liven the place up by being more innovative in their programming, attracting a younger audience and offering lower-priced tickets. Rosenfeld said that enhanced marketing—especially using social media—is key to building attendance and driving traffic to Norfolk. Not all of the planned changes are going to happen overnight, Rosenfeld cautioned, but Infinity has already started implementing its new booking policy.

The audience seemed to like what they heard and had lots of questions and suggestions for Rosenfeld after his talk. His announcement that starting in June there would be free concerts on Wednesday evening only added to the upbeat mood in the room.

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