Selectman’s Corner, June 2019

Street Repair, Infinity Hall, School Graduates

By Matt Riiska

Summer is almost here and things are looking good. The Community Associates are doing a wonderful job preparing the planters and they look great. I think we are all ready to enjoy some good weather.

The good weather will also give us the opportunity to complete some needed road work. In between the spring showers we managed to get four roads chip sealed. The Public Works crew has also been getting to some projects that had not been taken care of because of the wet spring weather. Mountain Road from West Side Drive to Golf Drive is next. We will be taking care of some drainage issues, and then the paving crew will be in. After that we will pavie Doolittle Drive from Green Road to Summer Road, Lower School House Road to Grantville Road and then Grant Street. We will then follow up with more chip sealing in the fall. 

As you know Infinity Hall has been sold. I spoke to Dan Hincks just before the transaction and wished him good luck and thanked him for his vision in bringing something so unique to Norfolk. New owner David Rosenfeld of GoodWorks Entertainment met with residents on April 27that the Norfolk Hub. He told the crowd how excited he and his partner, Tyler Grill, are to take over such a beautiful facility and how much they look forward to being part of the community. 

Congratulations to all of the graduates of Botelle School, Regional 7 and the local colleges. I know you college grads want to get out of Norfolk to experience new things and you should, but rest assured there will always be a place here in Norfolk to come back to. We need you. In order for our community to thrive we need more young people to live, work and participate in keeping the town vibrant.

Enjoy the summer.  

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