WIN, Solar Energy, Norfstroms

By Matt Riiska

Summer is supposed to be a time when you sit back and relax. Some do, but the Weekend in Norfolk Committee and their chair, Sue Frisch, are in full-speed-ahead mode. Now in its fourth year, WIN will have activities for all, with a few new surprises. Mark the dates, Aug. 2, 3 and 4, on your calendar, check out the WIN website and take in a few of the events.  

The Norfolk Energy Advisory Committee has been meeting for about 10 months. Formed to look into establishing a solar field at the town landfill sight, the committee has discussed other issues, such as energy audits for town building and private residences, energy conservation in town buildings and the installation of an electric vehicle (EV) charging station. I am happy to report that we are now in discussions with Solomon Energy about creating a plan to install a solar field on the landfill site. Although we are in the early stages of this process, we feel we will be able to establish a system that will be beneficial to the town and our environment. In addition, after discussions with the Norfolk EDC, local business owners and local owners of electric vehicles, an EV charging station will be installed at the Town Hall. The new JuiceBar EV charging station should be ready by mid-July. Those of you who own an EV or have someone visiting with one will need to get a GreenLots app for their phone to use the unit. This is not a free service. The Town will work with GreenLots to establish the rate after reviewing our power and service costs.

Norfolk Net has been busy getting Norfstroms swap shack up and running at the Transfer Station. Our new boutique has been received with great enthusiasm. So instead of adding something that you no longer need to our trash stream, you can pass it on to someone else.  There are rules: no upholstered furniture, tires or large appliances. And please use your discretion; if you would not use something because it is old and tired, most likely no one else will either, so please discard it accordingly.

And one more thing about the landfill, while you are unloading your trash and recyclables, please shut your engine off.

Have a great summer.

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