Norfstrom’s First Winter

Text and Photo by Kelly Kandra Hughes

Five months have gone by since Norfstroms opened at the Transfer Station in June. So far, this experiment is heading in the right direction. Response has been enthusiastic, donations have been abundant, and volunteers have been outstanding. But what will happen to Norfstroms during Norfolk’s cold and snowy winter? The honest answer is that no one knows. Since Norfstroms has only been opened in the summer and fall, the town and Norfolk NET will use the winter months to learn additional best practices for having a salvage shed.

In the meantime, Norfolk residents are still asked to adhere to Norfstroms’ best practices already in place. This request is especially important when the temperatures are too cold and the weather too snowy or icy for volunteers to be on hand at Norfstroms. 

Most importantly, do not leave items outside the shed. The doors to the shed are always unlocked. If they aren’t open, you can still go inside to add your donations to a shelf or table. Leaving items outside the shed creates more work for Transfer Station employees and is a quick way to ensure that Norfstroms won’t continue past its first year. 

When leaving your donations inside Norfstroms, do not leave them in the middle of the shed. People need to be able to move freely and unencumbered. Otherwise, Norfstroms becomes a safety hazard and someone could get hurt. 

Donate only clean, usable items. Due to the size limitations of the shed, Norfstroms does not have enough room for everything. Although it is regrettable that the shed cannot take broken items that could have a second life with repair, the space is limited and most people are not interested in doing so.

Norfstroms also does not accept the following items: 

  • Bulky waste (including tires and furniture, both of which incur a disposal cost.) Anyone who does have furniture they would like to give away should contact Norfolk NET at, or 860-542-7185, ext. 262, or stop by the Hub at 2 Station Place to post the item on the NET Gifting Board.
  • Appliances with freon (which also incur a disposal cost)
  • Car seats (for safety reasons)
  • Clothes (please donate to the Congregational Church’s Clothes Closest, located in Battell Chapel)
  • Books (please donate to the Norfolk Library)

Norfstroms is an initiative designed to help Norfolk residents reuse and recycle. Working together and having community buy-in is essential, and, so far, the response has been excellent. If anyone has any questions or concerns about Norfstroms, please contact Norfolk NET at, or 860-542-7185, ext. 262. 

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