Bridge Repair and the Town Budget

Selectman’s Corner

by Matt Riiska

Two projects that we are working on are the Mountain Road Bridge and the River Place Bridge. Cardinal Engineering, who is doing the design and engineering work on the Mountain Road Bridge, held a public information meeting on Jan. 6, followed by a meeting with the Inland Wetlands Agency. On Jan. 14, the Planning and Zoning Commission also reviewed the project. After a few minor design modifications, the bridge design will go out for bid in mid-February. Once bids are in and spending is approved later in the spring, bridge construction could go ahead this summer. This is contingent, of course, on the availability of state funding, which is in question at this time. A construction schedule will be set up to try to cause the least amount of disruption to summer activities such as the Norfolk Summer Music Festival. The engineering work for River Place Bridge has started and will take approximately one year. 

There has also been some activity on the replacement of the wall on Route 44 West. Eversource will be moving telephone poles and lines to the opposite side of 44 in preparation for future work. We have received little information on this project other than the design, and engineering work continues. Wall construction is estimated to start in 2022.

We have started the 2020/21 budget preparation process. With state funding in question, we will need to keep our spending in check. I encourage all to attend the budget sessions or to ask questions. 

Since 1951 when the Norfolk Lions Club was established, they have been collecting eyeglasses to be reworked and distributed throughout Connecticut, the United States and the world. Each year at the annual Lions district meeting, eyeglasses are collected. This year the Lions will also be collecting hearing aids for the Lions Hearing Aid Recycling Program. If you have either of these items that you no longer need, please drop them off at the Eyeglass distribution box located in the National Iron Bank in Station Place. Thank you, you will be making a difference in someone’s life.

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