Cleanup Day is Now Cleanup Month

Month-long individual effort replaces one-day gathering

By Doreen Kelly

The Norfolk Community Association (NCA) was looking forward to another rousing success for Clean Up Day 2020, which was scheduled for this April 25th. They had good reason to be so optimistic after the event participants last year collectively retrieved over 100 bags of trash from the streets and public spaces in Norfolk. Like last year, The Norfolk Land Trust was going to join forces with the NCA to make the event even more impactful. They had even come up with a slogan, Team Up to Clean Up, to encourage group participation on all levels. The culmination of the day was going to be a gigantic Earth Day birthday cake celebrating 50 years of Earth Day, for all to share. 

Then came the virus. No group activities, social distancing and sheltering in place became the order of the day. So, rather than just cancel, the two groups put their heads together and came up with an alternate plan. April 2020 is now Clean Up Month. For cleaning up the town, all Norfolk residents have been given a new slogan: Do What You Can When You Can. This approach gives everyone a chance to get out in the fresh air on their own time and clean up their streets, woodland trails and favorite Norfolk places. The hope is for another great success!

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