Budget Schedule, Taxes, and Water Main Replacement

By Matt Riiska

In these extraordinary times it is sometimes difficult to remember that the show has to go on. We are currently in the middle of developing the 2020/21 budget, there are infrastructure projects that are in process and we are dealing with the ever-changing Covid-19 situation.

Understanding this unique situation, the Board of Finance (BOF) has asked us to reduce the budget as best we can. With state resources being directed toward combating the effects of the Covid-19, infrastructure projects are being pushed out. Funding for the Mountain Road bridge and the replacement of the fuel oil tank at Botelle have been put on hold for this year. This will take $430,000 out of the budget. We are in line for funding for both of these projects in 2021. All budgets will be posted on the town website (norfolkct.org) for your review before May 1.

With “social distancing” the new normal, budget review meetings and the adoption of the budget will be done online. Information on how to access each of the meetings will be posted on the website. Please go the Norfolk BOF page for their agendas or to the main page for Regional 7 meeting access information. The proposed budget review and adoption schedule will be as follows:

FY 2020/21 Budget Adoption Schedule

May 5, Board of Finance: budget review; public comments via Zoom, or they can be sent to firstselectman@norfolkct.org; conducted via Zoom 

May 13, Regional 7: adoption of 2020/21 Regional 7 budget per Executive Order 7I-14; suspension of in-person budget adoption requirements for regional boards of education, web meeting; details at norfolkct.org

May 19, Board of Finance: final budget review meeting; consideration of public comments from May 5 and those submitted via email; conducted via Zoom

May 26, Board of Finance: adoption of FY2020/21 budget and setting of mil rate per Executive Order 7S-7; allowance of suspension of in-person voting requirements for critical and time-sensitive municipal fiscal deadlines; conducted via Zoom

To assist those most affected by the Covd-19 virus in regard to payment of taxes, on April 22 the Board of Selectmen voted to adopt the Low Interest Rate Program as part of the governor’s Executive Order 7S-6. Our other option was for a Deferment Program. It was felt that because of the unknown effects Covid-19 later in the year, we would prefer to have those who have the ability to pay their taxes do so as they normally would in July. The Deferment Program would have allowed everyone to defer their tax payment until October.

The Low Interest Rate Program will reduce the per month interest owed from the current 1.5 percent to 0.25 percent for July, August and September. If taxes are not paid by Oct. 2, the taxpayer would be responsible for the 1.5 percent penalty for those three months. Could there be an extension of this program? I don’t know at this time. We will work within the guidelines of the State of Connecticut and do what we can to assist our residents in these challenging times. 

Aquarian will be replacing the water main on Route 44 from the Town Green to Memorial Green and then up to Old Colony Road on Route 272. Work will start in early May and continue into June. The extent of the work is evident to everyone who has seen the spiderweb of orange and white paint markings on Route 44 showing where all the underground utilities are. The water main work will also include a new line from Route 44 to Aetna Lane on Westside Road. More information will be posted on the town website. 

Unfortunately, the Memorial Day parade and the Norfolk Fire Department Road Race will be canceled this year. The veterans will hold a small ceremony on the Green to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. So take a minute on Memorial Day to remember them.

I know that everyone is anxious to get through this current situation as quickly as possible. In order to do so, we all need to understand that we need to adhere to the guidelines that the state and federal governments and our health-care professionals have established. So please, maintain your social distancing, wear your mask when in public within six feet of others, wash your hands and keep yourself healthy. If you find yourself in need, please do not hesitate to contact the Selectmen’s Office, Norfolk Net or talk to a friend. We are fortunate that we live in such a small and caring community. It never ceases to amaze me to see how so many look out for and extend a hand to help others. Stay well.

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