Walking Carefully, Being Good Neighbors and Supporting Farmers

By Matt Riiska

The number of walkers and runners on the roads in Norfolk seems to have increased over the last few months, which is a good thing. I want to remind everyone that when you are out for your walk please walk facing traffic. You have a much better view of oncoming traffic, and you will be much safer. Also, please remember that you are sharing the roads with cars and bikers. Everyone wants to be safe, so please walk on the side of the road. I realize that we are in the country, but please be courteous. In addition, if you are out early in the morning or in the evening please wear a reflective vest.

 Respecting other people’s property is something we all need to practice. Norfolk is lucky to have numerous hiking trails and parks to get out and take in the terrific environment we live in. One of the areas that sometimes gets taken for granted is the Battell Stoeckel Estate. The estate is private property, and the entrances onto the estate stating private property should be respected. It is open for scheduled events, unfortunately not this year, but when there are no events going on you should adhere to the rules. I was recently told by one of the grounds keepers that an individual practicing tai chi on the grounds of the estate asked them to please shut their mower off until they were done with their routine. You would not think of walking into your neighbor’s backyard and setting up a lounge chair. We all want to be good neighbors, so please respect your neighbors.

The Farmers Market Committee made the difficult decision to close the market for this year. This was not an easy decision. They tried to work out many different scenarios of how the market could be open, but the bottom line was the safety of their vendors, staff and patrons. These are difficult times for everyone, and right now it is very difficult for the farmers who have planned and cared for their crops in anticipation of selling their goods at the local markets. Please do not forget them. Many have farms stands and would greatly appreciate your patronage. Go out for a ride and stop at a local farm stand.

Take care, stay healthy and enjoy the summer.

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