Yoga on the Grass

For many years, there has been a free yoga class for seniors, sponsored by the town, in Battell Chapel every Tuesday and Thursday morning. The class had to go on hiatus in March when the Covid-19 lockdown went into effect, but in late May teacher Wendy Larson decided to try holding the class outdoors. Yogis had to bundle up at first when the mornings were still chilly, but now the weather is beautifully warm, and Larson says she’s only had to cancel once or twice because of bad weather.

The class, which meets from 8:45 to 10 a.m., is friendly, welcoming and open to all ages. There’s no need to register. Just show up on the lawn in front of Town Hall with a yoga mat, and maybe a towel and some bug spray.

Photo by Savage Frieze

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