Census Takers Fan Out Across Norfolk

U.S. Census Bureau field agents, including four from Norfolk, are knocking on doors in this town and the surrounding communities to gather census data. They are part of an army of 165,000 enumerators nationwide, who are racing to complete data collection before the administration’s Sept. 30 deadline. Self-response rates in Litchfield County are at about 65 percent, marginally higher than the national average. As of late August, there were still 22,500 households to be contacted in the county. The census bureau collects occupancy figures for every address, whether it is a primary residence or a secondary home, occupied or vacant. The census questionnaires also collect the names and ages of the occupants, their relation to each other, their race and ethnicity, and whether they are homeowners. The personal information is closely held by the U.S. Census Bureau and cannot be used by any other government agency or court. Above, Norfolk’s Adam Perlman collects census data from his neighbor Clare Timoney.

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