The Storm, the Election, the Rural Bus

By Matt Riiska

I want to thank everyone for their patience during the storm that hit us on Tuesday, Aug. 4. Many of us were without power until the following Sunday, with some not getting their power back until Wednesday, Aug. 12. We were fortunate that although there were many trees down and roads closed, there was little physical damage to properties. When there is an emergency in town, we benefit from the high level of organization of our dedicated emergency services volunteers.

As soon as the storm hit, our fire and ambulance departments did what they do best: make sure everyone is safe. Our Public Works crew, working with the fire department, immediately started opening roads so our EMS services could reach every home. I do want to thank the following people for their dedicated work. Richard Byrne, Jon Barbagallo and Daryl Byrne immediately started tracking issues such as road closures, downed wires, access to blocked homes and identifying the most vulnerable who might need assistance. Maps were reviewed almost hourly to determine where the Public Works crew needed to focus their efforts. On Friday morning, knowing that many would need to charge their phones, connect to Wi-Fi and collect water, Jon and Daryl set up stations at Town Hall for these services. We had no idea how quickly the word would spread, and by Friday night and through the weekend the Town Hall lawn was a beehive of activity.

We will be cleaning up the aftermath of the storm for some time. I was asked by one of the local newspapers how Norfolk was dealing with the storm. I replied that we were coping with it and will be OK.  Now if could only get over this Covid thing.

Election Day is on Nov. 3. With many concerned about social distancing, I urge you to go online or to contact one of our registrars of voters or our town clerk for answers to your questions.

Last month I wrote an article about the appeals process for motor vehicles. The Board of Assessment Appeals will be meeting on Saturday, Sept. 12, and Thursday, Sept. 19, to hear motor vehicle appeals. Contact the assessor’s office for further details.

The Norfolk rural bus has been in operation for several months now. I want to remind everyone that we are still part of Northwest Transit and we can use their services as well. Northwest Transit can be reached at 860-489-2535. They require a three-day notice for their services.

Take care, stay healthy and enjoy these last days of summer.

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