P&Z Commission Discusses Haystack Woods Development

Eye on Town Government

by Susan MacEachron

The Planning & Zoning Commission met on March 9 to consider an application for a text amendment to the previously-approved plan for the proposed Haystack Woods development that would require a town-built road for access instead of a private road. 

The original plan called for a private road to the development of housing off Old Colony Road. Martin Connor, a planning consultant advising the Foundation for Norfolk Living, was introduced to members of the commission and answered several questions.

In the previously approved plan, the private road was incorporated within the development and the outer contours of the development were set back 100 feet from surrounding landowners. The introduction of a town road on the property creates a new property line within the development, and as currently designed, there would be no setbacks between the town road and the homes.

The commissioners requested additional information from the foundation representatives, Kate Johnson and Connor, including a site plan showing the lot sizes, the length of the proposed town road and any modifications or waivers they will be asking for from the town’s existing subdivision regulations. A public hearing has been scheduled for April 13 at 7 p.m.

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