Town Budget Approved

by Susan MacEachron

The Annual Town Meeting was held at Botelle School on May 10. Approximately 30 people attended in-person and a few others by Zoom. All 10 matters put to a vote were approved unanimously.  

The first resolution requires the Board of Finance to maintain the town’s positive fund balance at no less than 15% of the approved town budget when deciding whether or not to transfer funds when setting the operating budget. This threshold has been maintained on an informal basis over the years and provides a rainy day fund for emergencies. The 2021-2022 budget includes a $200,000 transfer from the fund.

Several resolutions granted authority to the town selectmen to apply for grants and to issue notes in anticipation of the receipt of taxes for the coming fiscal year. There were also elections of Kim Crone and Deb Bell to represent the town on the Regional School District #7 Board of Education.

The pension committee and the selectmen recommended eliminating the age requirement to allow a town employee to participate in the defined contribution plan.  Prior to approval of the change, employees had to attain the age of 25 before being allowed to benefit from the town retirement plan.  

The selectmen recommended an amendment to the Code of the Town of Norfolk to read that commencing with the 2021 election cycle, the tax collector shall be appointed by the Board of Selectmen rather than elected. First Selectman Matt Riiska explained that the change was in line with a recommendation from the Northwest Hills Council of Governments and helps to ensure that individuals with proper credentials are filling the post.

The final matters approved at the meeting were the proposed equipment purchases and new oil tank for Botelle School and the annual budget for the 2021-2022 fiscal year. 

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