Oct. 12 P&Z Meeting

Eye on Town Government

By Susan MacEachron

The Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z) continued deliberations at its Oct. 12 meeting on the application for a new town road to access the proposed Haystack Woods development. 

The commissioners discussed and agreed upon a number of changes to the text amendment for the Haystack Woods development and the zoning subdivision regulations. They decided to hold a special meeting on Oct. 26 to review a final set of documents and to vote on the text amendment changes for the Haystack Woods overlay zone.  The final vote on the subdivision regulation changes will be at the next regular meeting of P&Z, on Nov. 9.

P&Z continued the public hearing on the proposed solar panels to be located at Ginger Creek Nursery.  Norfolk zoning regulations require a special permit for all ground-mounted solar panels.  The commissioners reviewed the plans presented by Nash Pradhan, owner of Ginger Creek, for planting 20 arborvitaes, and discussed the proposed location of the trees and how many years it would take for four-foot trees to provide a visual barrier.  P&Z approved the plan subject to three conditions: a minimum of 20 trees, no less than four feet high; trees planted before, or simultaneously with, installing the solar panels; and the replacement of any damaged or dead trees with new trees no less than four feet high.

There was a brief discussion regarding the special permit for activities underway at the town farm.  Michael Halloran, zoning enforcement officer, said that he and First Selectman Matt Riiska had met that morning and agreed that Halloran would assist both with the required wetlands permit and with amending the application for a special permit for P&Z.  Tom Fahsbender, P&Z chair, said he thought this would help to complete the process.

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