Beagles and Terriers and Hounds, Oh My!

Text By Janet Gokay Mead
Top Photo By Kelly Kandra Hughes

The evening of the second annual Norfolk Library Pet Parade on June 17 began as it did last year: with perfect early summer weather, bright and a bit breezy. Though 18 dogs had been preregistered for the event—which Library Director Ann Havemeyer has declared a new yearly tradition—an additional 19 dogs wagged their way in to compete for the prizes for Best Dog and Best Costume. The library was thrilled with the turnout.

Festive music filled the air, thanks to a sound system generously provided by John DeShazo. Children and their dogs, many in costumes, skipped through the crowd. National Iron Bank supplied water, frisbees and dog biscuits; the Hub offered a hydration station; and local volunteer organizations ringed the green with informational tables. A new group, A Real Life, was speaking with interested youth about developing a town teen empowerment program. 

The panel of three distinguished judges—State Representative Maria Horn, Hub Manager Jennifer Pfaltz and Botelle graduate Wilson DeShazo—gave the nod and the parade of 37 dogs and their owners began. After close deliberation, the winners were announced. Best Pet top honors went to Emma, a terrier owned by Megan Bell, who had performed an electrifying series of tricks for the judges. Best Costume treats went to Cooper, a hound mix sporting a red lion’s mane alongside owner Keira Vigliotti, who was dressed like Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz, complete with ruby slippers and an accompanying sibling festooned as one of the munchkins from the Lollipop Guild.

Cooper, Dorothy, and the Lollipop Guild take home the best costume award (to the Vigliotti household). Photo by Joseph Vasaturo

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