Were You the Subject of a Peter J. Ketchum Portrait?

Artist is offering paintings for a good cause

“Peter J. Ketchum knows how to get the viewer’s attention. Shown widely around the country, his pictures commingle colors, people, situations, commentary and mediums in a manner that is provocative, funny and to the point. Attempts to pigeonhole the work as Pop, folk, cartoon, mixed media, collage, anthropomorphic or merely strange tend to fall short of the mark!” So says the New York Times. 

However, many Norfolkians know artist Peter Ketchum as a neighbor and friend, who resided in Norfolk for many years before returning to his native Brooklyn. Now Ketchum is offering his paintings to raise funds for the Norfolk Historical Society. 

Twenty-five years ago, Ketchum painted a series of roughly 50 portraits of Norfolk residents. The people who were featured in these portraits were only asked by Ketchum to write 25 descriptive words about themselves in order to be part of the project.  Today, “because of age (mine!) and space in the basement,” Ketchum is offering the remaining portraits in his possession to the people in the portraits or their families, for a donation of $25 or more to the Norfolk Historical Society.

If you or your family member sat for one of these Peter J. Ketchum portraits, please contact Ketchum at ketchumart@yahoo.com.  The portraits will be delivered to Norfolk later in November.

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