ARPA Funds Distributed

Eye on Town Government

By Susan MacEachron

The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), approved by the United States Congress in March 2021, provided funds to address the continued public health and economic impacts of the Covid pandemic across the country. Norfolk’s share of the federal funds allocated to Connecticut in 2021-22 was $482,399. Funds need to be committed locally by Dec. 31, 2024, and fully expended by Dec. 31, 2026.

First Selectman Matt Riiska established an advisory group in November 2021 to make recommendations to the Board of Finance (BoF) as to how the funds should be distributed. Two large allocations were approved in March 2022: $78,820 for a new slide at Botelle School and $74,000 for a generator at the Norfolk sewer plant. A significant portion of the ARPA funds ($212,000) was allocated in August to defray the cost of the fire department’s new tanker truck. Two nonprofits also received funds: the Norfolk Lions Club Ambulance ($10,000) and Northwest Transit ($5,000).

Over the summer, the advisory group had letters sent to local businesses advising them of the opportunity to apply for the remaining $102,000 of ARPA funds. Seventeen business owners responded, and 14 received awards ranging from $3,900 to $15,000, totaling $90,580 (see list below). The advisory group members were Libby Borden, Jenna Brown, Sandy Evans, Kate Johnson, Michael Selleck, Matt Riiska and BoF representative Susan Anderson.

The remaining $11,999 is being retained to supplement the Selectmen’s discretionary fund. In addition, the town received a $25,000 donation to offset a portion of the Botelle slide expense.  Since ARPA funds had been previously set aside for the slide purchase, Riiska asked if the $25,000 could be given to the discretionary fund, and the donor agreed. The discretionary fund is used for Norfolk residents who need assistance paying for fuel, utilities and rent. Decisions regarding funding are confidential and determined by Riiska and Norfolk’s director of social services, Tara Yard. The ARPA funds are a significant contribution to the discretionary fund, which has been funded with only private donations in the past.

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