Looking Ahead to the Annual Budget Meeting

Selectman’s Corner

By Matt Riiska

Although we had little snow to get everyone in the holiday spirit, the town did not lack in its festive atmosphere. Thanks to Marie and West Lowe and their elves from the Community Associates, the town never looked better. The wreaths and trees with all of their white lights really made Norfolk look beautiful. Thanks.

Everyone suffers from cabin fever in winter, and it is great to go out for a walk, but please remember to do it safely. When you are out, please walk facing traffic. You can see cars coming and they can see you better. I often see people walking with their back to traffic or walking in the middle of the road. Even though this is a quiet town, you need to be safe while you are walking down our country roads. And please, wear a florescent vest or jacket. I realize it is not exactly a positive fashion statement, but we would rather have you safe.

The gas spill cleanup continues. Connecticut DEEP will continue to keep this project in the emergency phase until they are satisfied with how the cleanup process is moving and there are no concerns regarding health and safety. Excavation, remediation and testing will go on for some time. We will continue to have monthly update meetings for the foreseeable future.

Although many of you do not see the work that continues every day, the spill still affects many and remains a disruption to people’s lives.

The gas spill has made many think about alternate energy sources other than using fossil fuels. As a town, we are trying to do our part to make this happen. The five-megawatt solar project at the transfer station has received approval from the Connecticut Siting Council. Lodestar Energy will start the construction process as soon as weather allows. The Foundation for Norfolk Living has started site development for the Haystack Woods project. This project will include 10 net-zero highly energy efficient homes. This project is great for the environment and helps our grand list in the process.

Christmas is 11 months away, but my favorite season is fast approaching. No, not spring training—budget season. The Board of Selectmen, Board of Finance and Board of Education have put a lot of effort into presenting a budget that provides our residents with the best services they can, while being aware of the economic issues we all face. I encourage everyone to attend not only the annual budget meeting in April and the Annual Town Meeting in May but also attend other meetings to better understand what goes into the budget.

Take care and stay healthy.

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