Norfolk Then …

An aerial photograph of Norfolk provides a glimpse of the town blanketed by snow on a winter’s day. At left, the Catholic   Church designed by Alfredo Taylor still has its tower with open belfry. Next door, children play in the yard behind Center School, set well back from the road. This imposing brick structure had been built in 1915 with plans provided by the architect Ehrick Rossiter. Its construction was made possible through generous donations from a group of Norfolk benefactors, foremost among them Frederick Shepard, after whom Shepard Road is named. Children in kindergarten through 8th grade attended the school. Soon after this photograph was taken, Center School closed its doors with the opening of Botelle Elementary School in 1970 and was later torn down, making way for the construction of Meadowbrook Apartments.

—Text by Ann Havemeyer
—Photo Courtesy of the Norfolk Historical Society

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