EDC Plans for Summer

Eye on Town Government

By Ruth Melville

The first order of business at the May 11 meeting of the Economic Development
Commission was to welcome two new members, Trish Deans and the new special
projects and grants manager at the Hub, Christal Preszler.

Preszler reported that planning for this summer Friday Nights on the Green was well
underway. The schedule includes 12 weeks of events, with nine bands already confirmed
and eight town groups organizing activities. The kick-off event will an evening of music,
dancing and ice cream on June 9, sponsored by the Norfolk Library.

Brett Robbins gave an update on fiber optics and acknowledged that the news was not as
good as he had hoped. Although there had seemingly been agreement between the town
and Frontier Communications that for $467,000 Frontier would guarantee to provide fiber
to every home in town, no contract had been signed by the date of the town meeting on
May 8 to approve the 2023-24 budget, so the resolution to authorize the payment was

Robbins said that the burden is now on Frontier to come back to the town. If a contract is
eventually signed, a special town meeting could be called to vote on the proposal. He
added that, so far, no other nearby town has agreed to pay Frontier to provide universal

The EDC has been planning a forum for town business owners which is scheduled for
June 27 at the Hub. Michael Selleck, co-chair of the EDC, said that in preparation for the
forum, letters will be going out soon, asking business owners, “What can the EDC do for
you? What are the issues facing your business?”

Robert Whipple, director of the Yale Norfolk summer schools, said that the new
construction on the Battell-Stoeckel estate will be “transformative” for the programs.
There is still a lot of clean-up to be done on the Music Shed and the annex, but crews are
working to get the renovated Eldridge Barn ready for students to move in by the opening
of the art program on May 20.

Presenting an update on City Meadow, Libby Borden, co-chair of the EDC, announced
that, after a year’s delay, Town Hall was setting up a Friends of City Meadow
Committee. She urged any EDC member interested in serving on this committee and
ensuring that the City Meadow project moves forward with plans for design,
maintenance, and community activities, to contact her or Marie Lowe, who is a member
of both the EDC and the Community Association.

Selleck and EDC member Larry Hannafin reported that the town had received a letter
from state Department of Transportation commissioner Garrett Eucalitto in response to a
letter from Selleck, Hannafin, and First Selectman Matt Riiska, and a petition signed by
over 400 Norfolk residents, asking for the state’s help in enforcing lower speed limits
along Route 44 going through town. The town had specifically requested speed-reduction
signs after George’s garage, a 25-mph speed limit near Botelle School and a flashing sign
near the library crosswalk. In his response, Eucalitto offered no concrete help from the
state but said he was willing to come meet with town representatives to discuss possible

Libby Borden said that there was $3,400 left in the EDC’s budget for this fiscal year,
which ends July 1. The commission voted to allot $2,000 for Friday Nights on the Green,
$1,000 for letters to go out to all the town business inviting them to the June business
forum and $400 for postcards to town residents encouraging them to the visit new and
improved town website.

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