P&Z Discuss Re-Subdivision and The Firehouse

By Susan MacEachron

Two Planning & Zoning Commission (P&Z) public hearings were held on Nov. 14. The re-subdivision of a lot on Sunset Ridge Road was approved. P&Z heard from the architect and engineer about the design of the proposed new firehouse. The firehouse public hearing was continued to the Dec. 12 meeting. See article on page xx for details.

Resident Don Torrant described the plan to re-subdivide his property at 77 Sunset Ridge Road. Torrant said he wants to create a separate lot to allow his daughter to build a house. The existing property is 4.17 acres. The proposed division will leave Torrant with a three-acre lot and slightly over one acre for his daughter. All abutting landowners were notified. It was noted that the Inland Wetlands Agency had approved the lot division but, when available, will need to review the location of the proposed house since there are wetlands on the property. P&Z approved the re-subdivision.

P&Z scheduled a public hearing to be held Dec. 12 regarding a proposed text amendment to certain zoning regulations. The proposed regulation changes relate to the operation of childcare facilities in a residential zone.

Zoning Enforcement Officer Michael Halloran read a letter from First Selectman Matt Riiska notifying P&Z of the plan to replace the two bridges in south Norfolk that were destroyed in the July flooding. It is anticipated that the bridges will be completed by 2026. There will be an opportunity for public comment at a later date.

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