Selectman’s Corner

Get Ready for Summer

By Matt Riiska

The budget process is over and received approval at the Annual Town Meeting on May 13. We all worked hard to keep the increase of 2.5 percent as low as we could but with our education spending increasing by $570,000, there was little we could do. With all costs going up we need to look for ways to reduce our expenses and search for new forms of revenue. Two items we are working on are refinancing our loan for the Maple Avenue Project and the Botelle School Roof Project. These (2) projects that were funded by a loan last year at a rate of 5.88 percent. This loan was refinanced through a bonding process at a rate of 3.46%. This is good news for the Town, yielding a savings of $1.2 million for the Town which equates to an approximate annual savings of $50,000. These savings, along with receiving our Transfer Station solar project payment of $40,000 per year, will certainly help.

Summer is right around the corner and there are numerous events planned. With that said, you need to do your part, so we all have a safe and fun summer. This past weekend there were multiple ambulance and fire calls. Most of these were cars accidents. As I have been saying for years, SLOW DOWN. You might think you need to get to your appointment, party, or grocery store in a hurry, but you do not. Please think of others, they too want to enjoy their summer. 

I would like to say that all our current projects will be completed before summer, but unfortunately not. Maple Avenue is almost done, with just final paving and the landscaping needing to be completed. Mills Way will be milled and paved this summer, but that will be done quickly. The main disruption this summer, and for the next few years, will be the work on the Route 44 wall. We have been trying to get the CT-DOT to at least repave the bumpy road surface while other work is going on. Many of you will look for an alternate route to Canaan. When you are on these alternate routes, please drive at the speed limit and respect the homeowners. 

I want to stress to everyone that we all need to slow down, relax, and enjoy our summer. Check out the Town Website, Norfolk Now, the Norfolk Hub and the Norfolk Library for event information. There are so many events this summer, from the Curling Club Garden Tour and Dinner, the Library Associates Street Fair, Friday Nights on the Green, and of course WIN Weekend.

Take care and stay healthy. 

Correction: In the May “Selectman’s Corner,” Matt Riiska said, “This is the only ambulance service in Connecticut still operating free of charge.” While the Norfolk Lions Club Ambulance is free of charge, there are other ambulance services in Connecticut that are also free, including the Salisbury Ambulance.

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