Know Your Neighbor

Hilary VanWright

Photo by Justin Bishop

How did you come to Norfolk? 
I first visited Norfolk 23 years ago and was awed by the scenery and the local appreciation for the arts. I left Manhattan to become a full-time resident in 2017. The children’s librarian (who happens to be the grandmother of my children), the waterlilies, Barbour Woods and the epic night sky were a huge draw. It’s an idyllic setting to raise my two daughters and, as a Minnesotan, it felt like home. 

What do you do here? 
My partner, Justin, and I are working on a rather large vegetable garden. We bought our house a year and a half ago and still have many dreams to realize. I have an art studio in town where I paint, draw, collage and host friends for art parties. I also do freelance graphic design. Most exciting is a venture called Sonya Textiles that I started with Christina van Hengel of 100 Main in Falls Village (she’s almost a Norfolker). We’re making tablecloths and hope to expand in the year ahead. We’re hosting an open house at my studio during WIN weekend in August. Come check it out! 

What’s the best part of your job?
I spent the last two years working full-time as a graphic designer for National Geographic— remotely. It was a phenomenal experience. I met world-renowned photographers and explorers, but the art was calling—the garden too. Freelancing allows for a more flexible creative life with a somewhat steady income. 

What medium do you typically work in? 
My favorite medium is pastels. I’ve been using them on wood for over 20 years. It’s unusual, but I love the feeling and the results. 

What do you like about it? 
Using the powder pigment to create different textures and densities with my fingertips feels sort of intimate. Pairing it with maple burls, which have led their own lives in the forest before making their way to my hands, is truly special. 

Do you work in other mediums?  
I enjoy intricate paper cutting/collage and may start experimenting with oil pastels. 

What’s your typical subject matter? 
I enjoy intricate paper cutting/collage and may start experimenting with oil pastels. 

What’s your typical subject matter? 

Flowers play a big role in my work. They’re the focus for my textiles for sure. I’m very interested in color relationships, and flowers naturally produce the best combinations. 

What do you like best about living in Norfolk? 
The best thing about Norfolk is the abundant wildlife and forests. I’m thankful for our generous neighbors, volunteers and town leaders who want to preserve this beautiful place. 

What do you like least? 
What I like least is how homogeneous it is … also, a stellar restaurant would be great. 

Favorite season? 
There’s nothing like early spring in Norfolk. I love the chorus of birds that wake me and the peepers that wish me goodnight. The first oriole and grosbeak sightings are the best.

Favorite place in Norfolk?
Wood Creek pond became my refuge during the pandemic. Most recently, Justin, Farrah, Dakota and I watched the solar eclipse from our canoe there—it’s a majestic place. I’ve wanted to write the place a love letter. Does this count?  

What do you hope for? 
A cabin on Tobey and invitations to Doolittle. 

Anything else you want to say? 
Shout out to the youth of Norfolk: you all are an inspiration. I’ve loved seeing you grow and thrive, and I wish you all the best as your lives unfold. 

Interview by Michael Cobb

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