Eye on Town Goverment

Wetlands considers new trail request

By Susan MacEachron

The primary matter before the Inland Wetlands Agency (Wetlands) at the July 1 meeting was a presentation by George Johannesen from Allied Engineering describing the Rails to Trails Committee’s plan to create a new trail. The North Brook trail will begin at the trail head on North Street (Route 272 north) and head west to connect with the existing Stony Lonesome trail at the intersection with Ashpohtag Road.  

Johannesen said that Rails to Trails has obtained an easement from the Catholic Diocese of Hartford to create a small parking area on land it owns on North Street.  He described the plans for erosion control and noted that there are three areas with beavers. They plan to install a “beaver deceiver” to maintain a constant water level despite the beaver dam.  Beaver deceivers come in different designs, but generally work by inserting a pipe through a beaver dam at a level that will allow water to flow through.  The pipe is protected by a cage to prevent the beavers from blocking it.  

The trail plans include a wooden boardwalk for approximately 150 feet where standing water is a recurring issue.  The remainder of the trail will consist of packed aggregate and the entire length will be wheelchair accessible. Johannesen said that no machinery would be used in any wetlands.  In response to a question about maintenance of the trail, he said that Rails to Trails board members routinely ride the trails and keep track of any maintenance needs. There is no plan for winter snow plowing.

Johannesen said the project needs to be reviewed and approved by the Planning & Zoning Commission, but they want to begin work during a dry period and hope to be finished before winter.  Wetlands Enforcement Officer Karl Nilsen said he had reviewed the plans and noted that Johannsen had done an excellent job.  Wetlands unanimously approved.

Nilsen described the plan for a new maintenance building on the golf course of the Norfolk Country Club (NCC).  He said the building was in the upland review area, defined as 100 feet from any wetlands. He explained that Norfolk town regulations allow a certified WEO to sign off on projects within the upland review area. The proposed NCC building is 90 feet from any wetlands and therefore he had signed off on the project.  

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