
Thank You, Norfolk
Every year as August wanes, the Weekend in Norfolk Committee looks back and thinks how lucky we are to live in Norfolk. Where else on earth would so many organizations and individuals come together year after year to demonstrate to the world what a great place it is?

Thank you, everyone! Thank you for your support—physical, moral and financial. Thank you for putting on events that represent Norfolk’s values and pleasures. Thank you for welcoming visitors so warmly. And thank you most of all for making up the fabric of this special town.

In the coming year, we’re looking forward, first to WINter WIN and then to our 10th anniversary summer Weekend in Norfolk on Aug. 1, 2 and 3! We’ll be starting to plan soon and we welcome every idea and suggestion sent our way; use our email win@earthlink.net, call or simply grab whichever one of us you see. Please don’t be shy about coming up with ideas for new things or new ways to improve old ones. Summer fireworks? A new twist on the music? A couple of movies? Want to join the committee? Let us know!

Until then, be well and keep on WINning!|
Ned Barron, Michael Cobb, John DeShazo, Sue Frisch,Valerie Johnson and Jennifer Pfaltz

Thank You, Volunteers
On behalf of the Women’s Club of Immaculate Conception Church, we wish to thank the volunteer workers, those who donated items and the patrons who attended the first “Treasure Hunters’ Sale” on Aug. 3 and 4 and made it such a success. Thank you, all!

Erzsébet Black

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