Eye on Town Government: Board of Education Meets in November
The members of the Norfolk Board of Education received an update on the “State of the School” at the Nov. 12 meeting and tackled several different items. See related story, page XX.
The board authorized Superintendent Mary Beth Iacobelli to negotiate another 5-year contract with All-Star Transportation while rejecting language sought by the state in the school’s diversity plan. Iacobelli also provided an update on conversations she has had with First Selectman Matt Riiska regarding the school boiler and the impact of remarks being made about the school on overall morale.
Botelle is nearing the end of a 10-year contract with All-Star and Iacobelli sought to waive the requirement for issuing a request for proposals to other firms. She said All-Star has provided good service to the school, and that she did not want Norfolk to miss an opportunity to negotiate jointly with Colebrook and Region 7.
The school is required to submit a diversity plan to the state Department of Education. Some of the recommended language would mean that the school could not take a candidate’s residence into account. Board member Walter Godlewski said he thinks that it is important to have staff who live in town, where possible, and asked that the language be removed. It was and the board voted submit the plan.
Iacobelli said she had spoken to Riiska earlier in the day and they discussed the negative impact on Botelle staff of comments made about the school. She said he appeared open to “changing the tone.” Principal Lauren Valentino noted that she has had to assure staff there were no plans to close Botelle and that she would continue to keep them in the loop. Board members shared their efforts to elevate Botelle’s profile in Norfolk through social media and other channels.
Boiler reliability remains an issue. Iacobelli reported, after the meeting, that the school had heat until 10:30 a.m. one day during the week of Nov. 18 and that a firm plan was needed.