Selectman’s Corner

Serving the Community in Many Ways

By Matt Riiska

With Election Day coming up we all hear about those that serve on elected boards and commissions and those who are appointed to serve on the many committees we have, but we sometimes forget about all who volunteer countless hours to keep Norfolk safe, beautiful, culturally enriched, informed or just to help make people lives better. Thank you to all who serve.

One organization that is always looking for new members is the Norfolk Lions Club. The Lions Club in Norfolk was formed in 1952, with their main focus on forming a volunteer ambulance corp. How fortunate we are to have the Norfolk Lions Club Ambulance serving the community for the past 67 years. The dedication of those that serve is beyond words. But, the other good works the Lions Club does has also helped community members in so many ways. We would love to have you join a group of dedicated volunteers that serves Norfolk and the world through Lions Club International. If you would like to join an organization whose motto is “We Serve”, please call me at 860-672-5553 or email me to talk about being a Lion.

On November 3,, we turn our clocks back one hour. For all of the runners, walkers and bikers, please wear your reflective clothing. Even in daylight hours reflective and florescent clothing can really help. And to the runners and walkers, make sure you walk facing traffic.

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