New Forum To Meet Needs of Older Area Residents

Northwest Corner Triad to address crime prevention and safety concerns
By Kurt Steele

Although it seems like there is little crime risk for older residents in Norfolk, the reality is that everyone is just a few steps away from a fraudulent banking transaction, identity theft or other type of scam. Although less common, older residents are also victimized by violent crimes, including break-ins, muggings, and physical and mental domestic abuse.
Coping with these challenges could become a lot easier with the creation of a new organization called Northwest Corner Triad. “We were formed to protect and enhance the lives of local older residents through educational materials and outreach programs,” says the group’s president, Mickie Ann Budny. “We are a branch of the Connecticut Triad , and the towns we serve include  Canaan, Cornwall, Falls Village, Goshen, Kent,  Lakeville, Norfolk, Salisbury and Sharon.”
The Connecticut Triad is a partner of the national Triad program that was  started in 1988 by the AARP, the International Association of Police Chiefs and the National Sheriff’s Association.
Northwest Corner Triad’s most recent workshop in late July dealt with “Latest Developments in Medicare Fraud: What It’s Costing You and How to Prevent It.” Anna Ferreira-Pandolfi, Special Agent with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, briefed the audience on how to recognize the methods employed by criminals to cheat the government and taxpayers and how to report suspected criminal activity.
The next free workshop, “Keeping Yourself Safe at Home,” will be held on October 23 and deal with fire safety, maintaining a safe physical environment and handling a medical emergency at home. It will be held at the Noble Horizons Wagner Learning Center, 17 Cobble Road, Salisbury, from 10 a.m. to noon, with refreshments provided.
Louise Riley, Executive Director of Northwest Corner Triad, invites anyone who wishes to receive advance notice about future workshops or information about a particular workshop to send an email to

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