Oh, Noooooooo!

Farmer’s Market Stages Summer Fun:

Mud wrestling and a pie-eating contest are still in Norfolk’s future, apparently, but the farmer’s market held an agricultural fair on Saturday, August 24 that incorporated many of the traditional elements of a county fair. There were music, fast food, large vegetables, and guess-the-weight contests. There was a juried bake-off for carrot cake (winner: 4 & 20 Blackbirds) and another for chocolate chip cookies (Teresa Fuller). There was an art competition mostly for growers of oversized zucchini, won by Wendy Jenkins. And there was a splash burst booth where Norfolk dignitaries took their turn in the hot seat, including the Reverend Erick Olsen and Christopher Little, left. Organizers say the agricultural fair was a roaring success and will be repeated next year. What should we expect? Tilt-a-Whirl and a lawn-tractor pull?

Photo by Wiley Wood.

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