Neighbor’s Make the Difference

Selectman’s Corner

by Matt Riiska

Often overlooked in Norfolk are the projects that individuals take on. A few I would like to acknowledge are the recent 6th grade fundraising concert organized by Mike Cobb; the construction of a new lifeguard shed at Tobey Pond by Ethan Perlman; the water conductivity testing of local steams and ponds by Susannah Wood and the cataloging of the names of our Norfolk veterans by John Moran. Most do not know the effort that these and so many others put in to make Norfolk a better community.

Thanks to Mike Cobb for developing his idea to put on a benefit concert for the Botelle School 6th grade. Mike had been planning this for months and it was terrific. It was so nice to see people out enjoying the great music on such a beautiful day.

Ethan Perlman, a lifeguard, Regional 7 senior, and an Eagle Scout candidate, has been working on his Eagle Scout project of designing, completing the applications, fundraising and now building a new Tobey Pond lifeguard shed for a year. Many who enjoy Tobey Pond probably have not noticed how tired the current shed is, not to mention how cramped and inconvenient it is for the guards to store all their equipment.

Susannah Wood has been collecting data from our local streams and ponds for three years.  The water conductivity testing Susannah is undertaking is mainly directed to how the application of road salt and sand can affect our water courses. The data can also allow those who are far more knowledgeable than me to better understand how we impact our environment. Susannah has pinpointed areas where we should be more careful where winter road applications are used. By taking this information into consideration, we have reduced the amount of road salt we use each year. We are also working on the necessary road repairs to keep melting snow from running over the roads and freezing, causing us to use more salt. 

John Moran is another Eagle Scout candidate who has been collecting data and documenting information on our Norfolk veterans for well over a year. This information documents where veterans are interred in Norfolk. As part of this project, John installed veterans’ markers and flags on Veterans Day last fall. The information John has collected will also be used for maintaining the honor roll on our Veterans Memorials. John will receive his rank of Eagle Scout on June 6. Congratulations John!

Thanks to all who put in countless hours working on projects to make Norfolk a terrific place to live. 

Take care & stay healthy.

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