EDC to Fill Vacancies on Board

by Ruth Melville

Libby Borden opened the Economic Development Commission’s May 13 meeting with the announcement that, owing to other commitments, Bill Brown has decided to resign from his position as co-chair. She has asked Michael Selleck to take over as co-chair, and he’s agreed.

Brown was also the EDC’s point person on fiber optics, the town website and branding and beautification, which are roles that have to be filled. The EDC needs more board members, and Borden says she has two or three good candidates in mind and will be consulting with board members individually over the next few weeks.

The EDC sponsors a blanket membership in the Hub for town organizations. After a vote to approve the $94 renewal for the coming year, Sue Frisch suggested that this fee be made a regular part of the EDC’s budget, thus not requiring annual approval. This proposal was approved.

Borden reported that she has contacted many organizations in town and there is a lot of enthusiasm for the idea of a series of Friday night events on the village green. The library is organizing a pet parade for June 11, and the Land Trust and the Community Association are also planning events. 

Plans for this summer’s outdoor, in-person Weekend in Norfolk (WIN) are also underway. Ideas under consideration include a picnic with live-streamed music and a plein air photo class. The EDC approved the transfer of $2,000 from its account to WIN’s. Frisch said she will be looking into raising funds to support WIN in future years. 

Reporting on the branding and beautification project, Marie Lowe said that Matt Bannerman was painting the entrance signs to the east and west of town. The signs will be lit by solar lights, and Leslie Watkins is designing the planting around the signs.

On other matters, a new assistant to the town clerk has been hired to work on the town website. The Fiber Optics Committee is continuing its work, even though the town has not included fiber optics in next year’s budget. Matt Riiska reported that there has been no further progress with the Department of Transportation on finding ways to slow traffic through town.

House sales are still strong. Tom McGowan noted an increase in land sales, with people buying to build, and thinks that this may be a new trend in our area.

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