Missing Funds Investigated At Botelle PTO

No money in PTO account for children’s programs

By Shelley Harms

Members of the Botelle Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization were shocked to discover in September that nearly all the money was missing from the PTO bank account. Only about $1,000 remained of what should have been at least a $12,000 balance, with bills of over $2,000 unpaid. Now, the PTO is reeling, with no money to fund this school year’s cultural programs, events, field trips, sixth grade graduation and teacher support it traditionally provides for the town’s elementary school students.
The PTO has informed the police and foundations that support the PTO’s work. In a letter to one of its funders, the PTO wrote: “It has recently come to our attention that PTO funds have been inappropriately used by one member of our organization. Please know that we have made the police aware of the situation and it is under formal investigation.”
The situation was discovered because of an unpaid invoice that prompted a PTO officer to request bank records. The records showed that many unauthorized purchases had been made using the PTO account’s debit card.
The PTO has closed its bank accounts and established new ones, and is working with the National Iron Bank and Botelle School to improve its financial procedures and controls. Only the main PTO account is affected; the Norfolk After School Program and Community Garden accounts are still intact.
The PTO plans to work hard to raise funds so the children of the town will not be short-changed. On October __, a [event] will be held. In addition, contributions can be mailed to Botelle Elementary School, FBO PTO, 128 Greenwoods Road East, Norfolk, CT 06058.

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