June EDC: City Meadow, Affordable Housing

Eye on Town Government

By Ruth Melville

Andra Moss, a member of an informal group of “friends of Robertson Plaza,” visited the June 8 Economic Development Commission meeting to ask for money in support of two concerts the group is planning for this summer on Robertson Plaza, one in July and the other in August. (Dates are now set for July 22 and Aug. 22.) The EDC voted to approve funds up to $500 before the end of the fiscal year on July 1.

On the related topic of City Meadow, EDC co-chair Libby Borden reported that she and Walter Godlewski are encouraging a cleanup day for the meadow, with the date still to be determined.

EDC member Kate Johnson reported on developments at two of the affordable housing projects in town. At Haystack Woods project on Old Colony Road, they’ve run into ledge and have to go back to the Planning and Zoning Commission to get permission for blasting to remove it. (Permission was granted by the P&Z at its June 13 meeting.)

Johnson also said that the Foundation for Norfolk Living and the Norfolk Foundation have put in an application to the state Housing Tax Credit Contribution (HTCC) program—which helps nonprofit developers build affordable housing in Connecticut—for $500,000 to renovate the apartments in the Royal Arcanum building. They have been promised a partial match from the William and Mary Greve Foundation.

Although there’s been no further word from the Connecticut Department of Transportation about a possible meeting with town about methods for slowing traffic through town, Michael Selleck, co-chair of the EDC, has in the meantime ordered 10 “Please Slow Down” signs to be placed along Route 44 coming into town from the east.

On the real estate front, EDC member Tom McGowan said that there has been a little more activity lately, and he’s hopeful that business, while still slow, is starting to pick up. There are eight residential properties listed for sale (one up from last month), with two under contract, and five land parcels. 

Borden closed the meeting by offering congratulations from the EDC to the Rails to Trails Committee for winning a $400,000 grant from the state to develop the North Brook Trail.

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