
Congratulations to Norfolk Now for its 2023! symposium. The positive energy in the room was heartening. I took away three specific initiatives for the future: fiber optics (Kim Maxwell), improve the school (Sally Carr and Ann DeCerbo), and a trails network (West Lowe and Marie Isabelle). Coincidentally, as president of the Norfolk Land Trust I was just discussing our next set of goals with fellow board members and suggested that connecting Norfolk and neighboring towns by trails should be a top priority.
—Libby Borden

Hats off to Norfolk Now for the Oct. 5 event and for its decade of publication, which has helped cultivate and maintain interest in the community that is Norfolk.
I think a key issue moving forward is for Norfolk to recognize there is more to community than the municipality. While the municipality gives us a name and a boundary, it does not necessarily give us an identity. In this day and age, with so many people searching for a sense of community and a sense of place, a key element is how we can organize and share what we already have.
Keep up the good work!
—Glenn Chalder

Well done! Another great service to the community. The depth and breadth of the audience were apt testimony. The past was brilliantly chronicled and extended into the present. Hopeful ideas like a community center and downtown focal point surely warrant follow-up.
We Norfolkians understandably fight to preserve the status quo of our beautiful oasis, but to stand still has always meant to slowly die. With today’s government support centered on struggling big cities, towns like Norfolk must revise their business models and bring in younger thinking, more abreast of the present. New ideas are needed to create plans for new businesses.
—Peter Vosburgh

The Norfolk 2023 event was itself remarkable for a small town, I thought, although maybe not for Norfolk. To get 10 percent of the population out to discuss and brainstorm what you want your town to be in 10 years is remarkable. We at Infinity Hall were honored to be the event’s host. Congratulations!
—Dan Hincks

I thought the whole day was a great success. The entire production was well planned and very professional. Thank you for a job well done. I had hoped the idea of a civic association would be discussed, but that doesn’t mean we can’t work on bringing this forward. Better communication is in everyone’s best interest.
—Michele Sloane

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