Letters—July 2015
Map Flap
I can understand why Peter Hume and Jean Grasmere were disappointed not to see their corner of town on the new Norfolk map and guide…I live in South Norfolk myself, and know how lovely it is. (see Letters in the June issue of Norfolk Now). However, this map was never meant to be an accurate geographical depiction. Our intent was to create a friendly, pictorial representation designed to attract tourists. Therefore it was weighted (and, necessarily, somewhat distorted) toward showing stores, restaurants and B&Bs, as well as cultural and outdoor attractions that are open to the public. As we residents know, there’s nothing like that in South Norfolk.
If this map and guide does bring more visitors to town, I expect that we will follow through with an update. I and the other committee members are eager to have additional comments and suggestions to be considered if we do publish a new version. Please send us an email addressed to norfolkmap@mindspring.com.
Sue Frisch
Norfolk Map Committee