Selectmen’s Corner—December 2015
Winter Reminders and Happy Holidays From Town Hall
By Sue Dyer
It’s that time of year when the weather begins to turn colder and snow lies in wait on the horizon that we must remind everyone about no parking during a snow storm. The Town of Norfolk has an ordinance that bans parking on all town roads during a snow and/or ice storm until such roads have been plowed and sanded. In the event of refusal to move the vehicle or the owner cannot be located, the vehicle will be towed at the owner’s expense and cannot be recovered until all charges are paid to the towing company, as well as a minimal fine of $100 to the Town of Norfolk. Please keep your vehicles off town roads during a storm. If you aren’t sure where to park, the parking lot at Town Hall is available.
Also, as a reminder, if you are out walking during a storm, please be aware of your surroundings and move off the road when you hear a town truck coming. Wear reflective clothing if at all possible. It is very difficult to plow snow and watch out for pedestrians at the same time.
On behalf of the Norfolk Board of Selectman, may your holidays be joy-filled.