George’s Shuts Off Pumps While Tanks Are Replaced
If you pull up to the pumps at George’s Norfolk Garage this month looking for gas, you’re likely to be disappointed. The underground storage tanks that George Auclair had installed in 1986 were rated for 30 years, and the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection is accepting no waivers or extensions.
“George thought about not replacing the tanks,” says Michaela Murphy, “but he decided it was a poor town that didn’t have a gas station.”
The four old tanks, made of cathodically protected steel and holding 28,000 gallons of gas and diesel, will be replaced by two double-walled fiberglass tanks holding 12,000 gallons apiece. “One will have regular gas, the other will be a divided tank with super and diesel. We’ll have blending pumps that provide regular, super and a mid-grade mix of the two,” says Murphy. The work is expected to take a month to complete.
The new pumps will be self-service pumps with card readers. “But I’ll still come out and pump gas,” says Murphy. “It will be pretty much the way it’s always been.”